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segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010


Tudo o que é bom acaba (o que é ruim também por sorte). E tudo pode ser diferente,,, ou não?

domingo, 16 de maio de 2010

O fim está chegando

Something special is ending here. The cast knows it, I know it, fans at home know it. In an era of diminished major-network expectations, Lost has made big, demanding, intellectual TV on a broadcast network. It's married epic action with myth, science and ideas about human nature like few mass-culture hits besides Star Wars and The Matrix. Audaciously and improbably, it's become TV's most philosophical work of entertainment — or its most entertaining work of philosophy.

A reportagem completa da Time sorbe o final de Lost pode ser vista em http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1989123,00.html